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Industrial paint for materialsWhich industrial paint should you choose to paint your materials ?

The first sector of activity in the world for paint consumption is industrial paint, which designates an incalculable number of technical and specific applications.

It is also a vague term because by the expression "industrial painting", we can designate both the industrialist who will paint a fruit juice mixer, a crane manufacturer or the work of an industrialist railway.

The primary objective of industrial painting is efficiency at the lowest cost. The world of paint offers such a wealth of properties, quality, special effects, types and formulations that today we are able to offer thousands of different paints to suit the needs of each manufacturer or industrial.

The only area that is not covered by this term is maritime painting, with ships and oil platforms, even submarines.

We can say that 50% of industrial paints are used to protect surfaces, especially metals, which has been the most used material in industry since the 1800s.

The different qualities and usefulness of industrial paint for materials

Here are the main questions that the applicator asks when choosing his paint :
what will be the method of application, the brush, the roller, the spray gun ?
What will be the support, that is to say the nature and the state of this material ? For example, will it be stainless steel, steel, concrete, etc. ?
What will be the destination and the necessary resistance of this paint ? Will it be exposed to the sun, sea spray, continuous friction ?
What will be the acceptable cost, in relation to the value of the painted object ?

As we said in the previous paragraph, most paints are applied to metallic surfaces which can be ferrous like steel, or non-ferrous like aluminum. The main role of industrial paint is to protect the object and thus allow it the longest possible life, by protecting it from air and water which are the main factors of oxidation and wear.

Industrial paints are often paints capable of adhering directly to metals and for this reason, it also has anti-corrosion properties that prevent and stop the spread of rust. It is indeed difficult to put a crane in a garage when it is not used, and it is therefore the paint which will play the role of a rampart against humidity, the sun, the rain during the years when it is will be subject to external conditions.

High performance primer

There are areas of advanced industry, where very technical and specific coatings must be applied, such as high performance primers, on very high-value machinery, parts or engines, or parts that are exposed to extreme conditions of wear or contact with corrosive substances such as acid for example.
In the case of a part worth 500,000 euros, we will not count the price paint because if it costs five euros or 100 euros per liter and the yield is 10 m² per litre, the difference will be minimal. There are very high performance primers that use the two-component epoxy formula. These products provide extreme surface protection.

Industrial paint for materialsAnti-corrosion paint for carpentry

Its coatings are widely found in the field of industrial buildings. Anti-corrosion paint for framing is an effective, economical and widely available monocoat for painting the framing of buildings with a metal structure. It has excellent properties and qualities of general resistance. For this type of paint, we do not ask for exceptionally pretty colors, but rather basic shades that go unnoticed.

Exterior and interior floor paint – Epoxy floor paint

For underground car parks or industrial concrete floors, exterior and interior floor paint is often used (epoxy floor paint). They are extremely resistant and shiny paints. They are shiny because they are easier to clean and allow less grime to cling.
There are two types of extremely resistant paint, they are acrylic polyurethanes and epoxy. The first have almost all the qualities of resistance and shine, as for the second, they are quite weak, because despite their very high resistance and their very strong grip on many materials including concrete, they are a little sensitive to sun.

Exterior/interior wood paint and metal paint

In this area, there is a large selection of economical paint and clearcoat. Exterior / interior wood paint and metal paint can often be water-based products. We use of course old traditional paints based on solvents which are synthetic paints. Today, with policies to reduce emissions of solvents into the atmosphere and the constant improvement of technologies and formulas allowing excellent resistance, these new water-based paints are increasingly used, which are economical, pleasant to use and quite durable. In the field of wood, we mainly use clearcoats and water-based paints.

Industrial paint for machinery

