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How to make a glow-in-the-dark Raptor paint for the car ?How to use a Raptor paint with photoluminescent pigments ?

It is possible to apply phosphorescent paint for car bodywork with an easy and effective tuning painting technique. Raptor phosphorescent paint is able to become luminous, emitting a green glow. It is a phenomenon easy to obtain thanks to the pigments and without danger. So how do you paint with glow-in-the-dark Raptor paint? And first, what is the Raptor ?

No, we are not talking here about the famous quad model... But about the ultra-resistant all-terrain coating for 4x4 dumpsters, underbody, tanks, chassis, tanks... from the UPOL brand. It is a very solid black paint, or rather a very thick "coating" (you can easily reach 500 or 1000µm in a single application, and without dripping! The two-component product composed of a base and the hardener, exists in transparent version (on the Stardust site for example) and it is only this version that we will be able to use as a base to transform it into a luminous version thanks to the pigments.Transparency is necessary to let the light energy in and out!

How to make a phosphorescent Raptor with pigments ?

To obtain a mixture capable of capturing ambient light energy to charge like a battery and emit light in the dark, you simply need to obtain the photoluminescent pigments, which you will add to the transparent base, with the hardener. These pigments are a very fine powder of greenish white colors. The finer the powder, the finer the texture and the grayer the grains, the stronger the performance in terms of luminosity. Thanks to the thickness and the exceptional solid rate of UPOL product, you can put any pigment in the mix!

To obtain a very luminous Raptor phosphorescent paint, we advise to add 20 to 30% by weight of phosphorescent pigments compared to the transparent Raptor. Green or turquoise type colors are the most powerful colors. It is important then to mix this Raptor phosphorescent paint well and apply it preferably on a white or light background.

How to make a glow-in-the-dark Raptor paint for the car ?The durability of a Raptor phosphorescent paint

Well protected from moisture inside the Raptor layer the effect to last for years! We are talking about 50 to 100 years more than a few years... Apart from that, there is no particular fragility or sensitivity for the pigments. FYI, photoluminescent or phosphorescent designates the same property, it is a synonym.

The Raptor app

This particular coating is very easy to apply using a gun with a very large nozzle type blaxon gun (that's worth $10-20 anywhere!)
Of course, unlike a basic black Raptor, the phosphorescent version will require good regularity, to apply an even dose on all surfaces.
It will also be important to keep the mixture dispersed and to prevent the phosphorescent powder from falling to the bottom of the jar.

Some examples of phosphorescent paint for cars and motorcycles

UV lamps

Phosphorescent car paint

