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Get trained in paintingTraining how to apply paint

You can browse the Stardust site, with its many information sheets on the art of spray painting on all media or its product pages which contain a lot of technical information, to acquire theoretical knowledge on painting techniques self-taught.

Of course, at any age, it is possible to retrain in the profession that we are passionate about and it is possible to pass a CAP in body painting, possibly in an accelerated version with painting training for adults.

Be aware that some people have followed a completely different path. Often, the greatest artists or even business leaders did not acquire their knowledge on school benches. As a famous entrepreneur said, most street dealers know a lot more about running a business than any college business professor.

It is perfectly possible to get started as a decorative painter on bodywork, by training in bodywork painting, with a professional who will welcome you as a trainee.

It is also possible to pay a professional to train you in one or two weeks. For example, for 1500 euros, you can join the company during this week and the chief painter will take you under his wing, as a privileged trainee, and will show you the heart of the trade, which is practice.

There is nothing better to know the trade than to practice it. Indeed, it is not by remaining seated on the shore while reading a book on swimming techniques that one learns to swim. To learn to swim, you have to jump in the river!

In one week, we can perfectly see the different problems of the stages that are the primers, the paints and the varnishes. You can carry out a personal project, for example, the painting of a motorcycle with a decor, from A to Z during this period.

Training dedicated to painting

Of course, during an accelerated training of this type, one will not be able to deepen all the techniques of painting. It will be a question of flying over most of the applications and the motivated student will have to "suck up" as much information as possible by asking questions and fully understanding the why and how of each painting step.

It is then, through practice, training, role-playing, that the apprentice painter will acquire his professionalism and experience.
It is through the repetition of gestures and by putting in real situations, that we give our maximum potential and that we learn as quickly as possible.
Often, it is very sad to stay two years in a school, to become an assisted painter, little successful, inexperienced. The important thing is the passion for what you do.

So if you want to train in spray painting, become a professional painter who is dedicated to the realization of special effects paintings on the bodies of cars, motorcycles, helmets, scooters and any other support that customers can bring you, so do not be discouraged by listening to those who tell you that you have to study to be able to work.

As part of a painting course; the effectiveness of a painter particularly depends on his ability to learn quickly, to find solutions, to manage, to adapt and once again to acquire and make his own, all the knowledge that comes before him, too good by being interested, by being curious, but also by always trying to understand the causes and remedies for each paint defect.

Training in painting is above all knowing how to learn. It is also copying and reproducing. It is by copying that we can save time, take shortcuts and acquire knowledge.

Get trained in paintingGun Mastery

There are things that cannot be learned with any manual or technical sheet and that you cannot master or succeed on the first try. We are talking here specifically about spray painting.

The handling of a paint gun, its trigger, the pressure of the finger, the speed of the angle, the round trips... All this is a bit like driving a car and mastering the different clutch pedals, while turning the steering wheel and shifting gears. It is through repetition and practice that gestures become unconscious, rapid and automatic.

Pistol practice is not a very difficult thing. When you are self-taught, you can do it with practice. However, it is very important to start on a good basis and to have either a good teacher or access to quality information.

This information should be specific do's and don'ts. The success of spray painting depends first and foremost on the product being painted. But then, it is mainly knowing how to dose the quantity of products that we are going to project on the support. To understand this, it is necessary to know how to regulate, adjust, with a perfect movement, the speed, the angle of the wrist and its flexibility, as well as the constant distance above the support.

Mastering the airbrush

Here is a practice similar to that of the paint gun. In truth, an airbrush is little more than a miniature gun, which looks like a pen. Its handling is reminiscent of that of a gun, with a skilful dosage of the trigger, which in the case of an airbrush comes in the form of a button located above.

Many beginners in the field of airbrushing already imagine themselves practicing the mixtures of colors, applications and complex techniques, to produce their work of art.

What they don't know is that to practice airbrushing, to learn these techniques, you must first of all master the tool, that is to say its disassembly, its cleaning, its reassembly ... You have to know the smallest workings of this complex little airbrush, which will give you a lot of trouble in the beginning of your practice.

Indeed, the first days of practice with an airbrush are often a great disappointment, with a series of problems, bubbles, clogged paint, skewed spraying, which you have to learn to solve. And here again, the theory is far removed from the practice. Practice is king. Determination and the absence of discouragement will make you an artist one day.

Airbrush courses and airbrush painting training

There are meetings in which about twenty students take part and in which practical lessons are given in the field of airbrushing and custom painting in general.

Painting training is conducted by a seasoned and sometimes famous artist. To participate in these courses, you must of course know how to use an airbrush perfectly and for this you must have gone beyond the stage of simply handling the tool.

It is very interesting to participate in these courses to discover tips and techniques. Many tips are provided that will allow you to make real progress and discover new processes.

These courses can cover both body painting and artistic techniques.

There are many secrets to all things airbrush art, from using stencils to make flames to many tricks to painting animal fur. The world of airbrushing is rich in techniques and it is an area in which it is not necessary to have a talent for drawing to succeed in making works of art that are often exceptional and difficult to differentiate from a photo : airbrushing is above all a technique that you have to know and master.

Rules of the Art of body painting
Paint defects and resolution

