How to create a phosphorescent table

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Do you want to make a table with phosphorescent embedded veins?

This is a simple operation and can easily be carried out on a variety of substrates:

1/ Preparation:
Select a healthy, clean, dusted and sanded substrate.
Sanding is the most important element, regardless of the material being worked on, to ensure good adhesion of the resins.

Table phosphorescente (5)2/ Purchasing photoluminescent pigments.

Table phosphorescente (2)These powders can glow in the dark.
They are found in various grades and colours: All colours don’t glow with the same intensity! We must therefore give priority to the most powerful colours (green or green/blue)

Pay attention to quality! Avoid purchasing cheap phosphorescent pigments as they are less brighter and their glow won’t last!
You can find the best photoluminescent pigments at phosphorescent.Fr (some of their pigments can glow more than 3 days!!!)

3/ Selecting a binder
Always use a transparent material capable of letting in and out the light!
You can choose a silicon, a resin, a binder or a topcoat…
A solvent-based or water-based version can also be used.Table phosphorescente (4)
(The company Arco Iris offers photoluminescent waterproof pigments compatible with water-based resins!)
It’s important to select a thick, viscous and fast drying resin!

4/ The mixture
It’s really easy to mix: as in baking, add the powder in the resin, then stir until to obtain a perfect dispersion.
Once mixed, the phosphorescent pigments are protected and can operate for decades.

5/ The phosphorescent table
Here is the final step, which mainly consists in filling the veins with your phosphorescent resin, by pouring then scraping the material with a squeegee.

Table phosphorescente (7)


Once the table has been exposed to sunlight to fully absorb the light energy, the photoluminescence can be observed during a full night!!!

Table phosphorescente (3)  Table phosphorescente (9)  Table phosphorescente (6)  Table phosphorescente (1)

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